Business Information, Debt Collection, Real Estate Valuation and Distressed Credit since 1993



Free Value - Due Diligence Desktop

Service Overview
ARC Real Estate S.p.A. focuses on a selected number of activities of high professional level in the Business Information, Debt Collection and Real Estate Valuation segments.

Combining the competences attained in the processing and distribution of information used for business decisions...


Free Value - Due Diligence Desktop
Free ValueThe Free Value service is configured as a massive pre-qualifying and qualifying system of demographic records with the purpose of organizing real estate and income information and preparatory documents to due diligence activities on Non-Performing Loan (NPL) portfolios.

First of all, the initial data are standardized, verifying that the fiscal code is matched to the correct individual; then the standardized records are uploaded on a proprietary automated process, named CA.DO – Cadastre Download, of real estate acquisitions documented in the national Registry. Regarding the records that positively meet the criteria, the process detects which Registries automatic mortgage checks must be done at, via a software named CO.DO – Conservatory Download. Simultaneously, an automatic valuation request is forwarded to the Automated Valuation Model (AVM) system for detected properties. At the end of the identification process, the system reveals the pending encumbrances and separates them for the download. The service ends when all requests have been closed, the documents have been obtained and each property has been evaluated.

ARC Real Estate

ARC Real Estate S.p.A.
Via Olmetto 17
20123 Milan (MI)
VAT Number 00845690700

Share Capital: € 822.223,00 (fully paid-up)
Economic Administrative Register of Milan n. 2106515

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(0039) 02 8287 4100

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(0039) 0874 493606