Combining the competences attained in the processing and distribution of information used for business decisions...

Estimation services, Asset Quality Reviews, real estate assets and collateral valuations are offered through a dedicated ARC organization, which operates with skills, licenses, requirements and every authorization demanded by law.
ARC can count on a private IT infrastructure that clients can interact with to request/receive estimations. The valuation software has been developed following the Italian Banking Association’s guidelines and principles accepted internationally.
These services are performed by an exclusive network of Expert Valuators employed by ARC or by a third party carefully selected and in possesion of suitable skills, professionality, competences, structure and organization fit to complete the appraisals and wholly respecting the “Italian Banking Association’s guidelines for the valuation of real estate assets securing credit exposures”.
The valuation methods are Full, with internal and external inspections; Drive-Bys, with only external inspections; Desktop/Italian Banking Association, requiring the sign of an authorized expert; AVM, Automated Valuation Model; Statistics, done through exclusive comparables. ARC has a significative experience in corporate (industrial, commercial, professional) and retail (residential) appraisals.